The Acute Heptagram of Impact [S. Godin]

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Published on: October 15, 2012

Seths Blog

via The Acute Heptagram of Impact.

Not as catchy a title as Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, but I hope you’ll walk through this with me:

I can outline a strategy for you, but if you don’t have the tactics in place or you’re not skilled enough to execute, it won’t matter if the strategy is a good one.

Your project’s success is going to be influenced in large measure by the reputation of the people who join in and the organization that brings it forward. That’s nothing you can completely change in a day, but it’s something that will change (like it or not) every day.

None of this matters if you and your team don’t persist, and your persistence will largely be driven by the desire you have to succeed, which of course is relentlessly undermined by the fear we all wrestle with every day.

These seven elements: Strategy, Tactics, Execution, Reputation, Persistence, Desire and Fear, make up the seven points of the acute heptagram of impact. If your project isn’t working, it’s almost certainly because one or more of these elements aren’t right. And in my experience, it’s all of them. We generally pick the easiest and safest one to work on (probably tactics) without taking a deep breath and understanding where the real problem is.

Feel free to share the AHI, but please don’t have it tattooed on your hip or anything.


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