Few collection of videos on basics of music theory

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Published on: June 21, 2020

Music is a fascinating. Below are some are excellent videos that breakdown the concepts of (western) music into its barebones – notes, intervals, keys scales, chords, …etc. Gives you a vocabulary to talk about them.


Another site with some interactive learning: https://www.musictheory.net/lessons

Difference between cost and value

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Published on: June 14, 2020

A lot has been written about differences in cost and value.

Cost of an item is how much effort & resources has gone into creating it.

Value of an item is how much it is worth to a person buying it or owning it.

E.g. “Your customers don’t care what it took for you to make something. They care about what it does for them” [Seth’s blog- Cost & Value]



Some interesting sources for documentaries

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Published on: June 9, 2020

Documentaries are a good visual articulation of a written article. Here are some links to documentaries that I have seen in the recent times.


Types of errors [xkcd]

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Published on: May 24, 2020
Types of errors

Deep literacy

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Published on: May 20, 2020

An interesting article from a conservative mag in the US, about habit of reading (and writing) and how it develops ones ability to articulate ideas and concepts. Such a skill is arguably important in a well functioning society and democracy. Long form reading is not so common anymore in the day and age of twitter and instagram..

More from this article: [The Link]




[2017] Road trip to Pyrenees mountains in France & Spain

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Published on: June 6, 2017

Belgium –> Bourdeaux, Fr –> San Sebastian, Es, –> Pamplona, Es –> Candanchu, Es –> Bareges, Fr –> Andorra –> Toulouse, Fr –> Limoges, Fr –> Belgium

Some pics from the road

The Maintainers

Categories: Blogs, SciTech
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Published on: January 31, 2017

An interesting movement/conference that caught my eye recently:

Many groups and individuals today celebrate “innovation.” The notion is influential not only in engineering and business, but also in the social sciences, arts, and humanities. For example, “innovation” has become a staple of analysis in popular histories – such as Walter Isaacson’s recent book, The Innovators: How a Group of Hackers, Geniuses, and Geeks Created the Digital Revolution.

This conference takes a different approach, one whose conceptual starting point was a playful proposal for a counter-volume to Isaacson’s that could be titled The Maintainers: How a Group of Bureaucrats, Standards Engineers, and Introverts Made Technologies That Kind of Work Most of the Time. Conference participants come from a variety of fields, including academic historians and social scientists, as well as artists, activists, and engineers.  All share an interest in the concepts of maintenance, infrastructure, repair, and the myriad forms of labor and expertise that sustain our human-built world.

[The Link]

[2016] Seth Godin: No one is unreasonable

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Published on: July 9, 2016

Interesting post from Seth Godin: “No one is unreasonable”

“No one says, “I’m going to be unfair to this person today, brutal in fact, even though they don’t deserve it or it’s not helpful.”

Few people say, “I know that this person signed the contract and did what they promised, but I’m going to rip them off, just because I can.”

And it’s quite rare to have someone say, “I’m a selfish narcissist, and everyone should revolve around me merely because I said so.”

In fact, all of us have a narrative. It’s the story we tell ourselves about how we got here, what we’re building, what our urgencies are.

And within that narrative, we act in a way that seems reasonable.

To be clear, the narrative isn’t true. It’s merely our version, our self-talk about what’s going on. It’s the excuses, perceptions and history we’ve woven together to get through the world. It’s our grievances and our perception of privilege, our grudges and our loves.

No one is unreasonable. Or to be more accurate, no one thinks that they are being unreasonable.

That’s why we almost never respond well when someone points out how unreasonable we’re being. We don’t see it, because our narrative of the world around us won’t allow us to. Our worldview makes it really difficult to be empathetic, because seeing the world through the eyes of someone else takes so much effort.

It’s certainly possible to change someone’s narrative, but it takes time and patience and leverage. Teaching a new narrative is hard work, essential work, but something that is difficult to do at scale.

In the short run, our ability to treat different people differently means that we can seek out people who have a narrative that causes them to engage with us in reasonable ways. When we open the door for these folks, we’re far more likely to create the impact that we seek. No one thinks they’re unreasonable, but you certainly don’t have to work with the people who are.

And, if you’re someone who finds that your narrative isn’t helping you make the impact you seek, best to look hard at your narrative, the way you justify your unreasonableness, not the world outside. “

[The Link]

Some recent GYW boots

Categories: Blogs, Photography
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Published on: July 9, 2016

Redwing IR: 8111, Redwing IR: 8112, Santalum brown pull up

[2015] Collection of fountain pens

Categories: Blogs, Photography
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Published on: May 25, 2015

Fountain pens Left2Right

  1. Waterman Hemisphere [F]
  2. Lamy Safari [F]
  3. Montblanc LeGrand (146) [EF]
  4. Waterman Expert [F]
  5. Cross Townsend [F]
  6. Gama Eyas Ebonite [F]
  7. Gama Popular Ebonite [F]
  8. Jinhao X450 Black [M]
  9. Jinhao X450 Deep Red [M]
  10. Lanbitou 865 [F]
  11. Baoer 388 Marble Blue [M]
  12. Hero329 Red [F]
  13. Parker Frontier Black [F]
  14. Pelikan Gallery Getaway [M]
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