The last kodachrome film roll, by Steve McCurry

Categories: Photography
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Published on: June 24, 2011

Film rolls are now gone into pages of history of photography. Photographer Steve McCurry was given the last production film roll and he took some iconic photographs to mark the end of film rolls.

This is the last image that he took from this roll.

A statue in a cemetery in Parsons, home to the last photographic lab in the world that developed Kodachrome film, July 2010. [image source: Steve’s Blog]


Read more about this in his blog here: [Steve’s Blog]

View all the images from that roll @vanityfair mag: [Slide Show]

Once quantum physics, now its time for quantum biology

Categories: SciTech
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Published on: June 23, 2011

The study of quantum mechanics has helped to explain a number of strange physical phenomena and is a tool for scientists to study the world at the smallest scale. For decades there’s been a healthy amount of skepticism about the role of quantum mechanics in biological processes. Recent scientific findings, though, are pointing to quantum mechanics’ important role in various fundamental functions of life on Earth. Nature News published a story summarizing the latest in the study of quantum biology, including speculation about what it could all mean in understanding the living world and how it could benefit man made technology of the future.

Read on at Nature News: Physics of life: The dawn of quantum biology…

How one becomes a connoisseur

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Published on: June 23, 2011

Given enough time one can come to appreciate anything 🙂 xkcd sums it up nicely.


source [xkcd]

Image Stabilization of a canon 18-55mm lens

Categories: Gadgets, Photography
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Published on: June 18, 2011

Image Stabilization Revealed from Camera Technica on Vimeo.

A photograph, is it true or false?

Categories: Articles, Photography
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Published on: June 16, 2011

A very interesting essay by Errol Morris about the truth/false-hood of a photography. Very eloquently summarized by him…


Image from NYtimes

The idea that photographs hand us an objective piece of reality, that they by themselves provide us with the truth, is an idea that has been with us since the beginnings of photography. But photographs are neither true nor false in and of themselves. They are only true or false with respect to statements that we make about them or the questions that we might ask of them.

The photograph doesn’t give me answers. A lot of additional investigation could provide those answers, but who has time for that?

Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but there are two words that you can never apply to them: “true” and “false.”


What is the above photograph? To find out hit the source link below.

More of this essay from here: [The Link]

Also, interesting is his upcoming book: [Believing is Seeing: Observations on the Mysteries of Photography]

Solitude and Leadership, by William Deresiewicz

Categories: Articles, Talks
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Published on: June 15, 2011

An interesting lecture given by William Deresiewicz to graduating students..


here is a short excerpt from the beginning of the talk:


What can solitude have to do with leadership? Solitude means being alone, and leadership necessitates the presence of others—the people you’re leading. When we think about leadership in American history we are likely to think of Washington, at the head of an army, or Lincoln, at the head of a nation, or King, at the head of a movement—people with multitudes behind them, looking to them for direction. And when we think of solitude, we are apt to think of Thoreau, a man alone in the woods, keeping a journal and communing with nature in silence.

Leadership is what you are here to learn—the qualities of character and mind that will make you fit to command a platoon, and beyond that, perhaps, a company, a battalion, or, if you leave the military, a corporation, a foundation, a department of government. Solitude is what you have the least of here, especially as plebes. You don’t even have privacy, the opportunity simply to be physically alone, never mind solitude, the ability to be alone with your thoughts. And yet I submit to you that solitude is one of the most important necessities of true leadership. This lecture will be an attempt to explain why.



More of this here: [The Link]

More articles from authors webpage: [William Deresiewicz]



Hope, Change and Reality [from GQ mag]

Categories: Articles
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Published on: June 15, 2011

An interesting article about situational forces influences a persons aspirations and ideals over a period of time. In this case it is about the attorney general..

Here is a small excerpt from the article:
Holder seemed deflated and tired, and in an attempt at humor, I pointed to the painting of Bobby Kennedy and made a joke about the independence of the attorney general. Holder bristled. “Some people say Bobby was pretty independent,” he snapped.

I nodded, and he seemed to relax. “But yeah,” he said, pointing at another painting across the room. “By contrast, Elliot Richardson.”

As Nixon’s third attorney general, Richardson lasted only five months, resigning in protest when the president ordered him to fire the Watergate prosecutor. “He has just one year under his name,” Holder mused. “There’s no dash. There’s no hyphen. He lasted just a number of months, but he did the job. He did the absolute right thing. When asked to do something he felt was inconsistent with his oath as attorney general, he resigned.”

Holder paused.

“So,” he said quietly. “He’s a hero.”

More of this here: [The Link]

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