Is innovation slowing down?

Categories: Articles, SciTech
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Published on: January 31, 2013

A question of introspection  often asked, at various times, whether things are going well or not. Now, what seems to be a world in recovery from the recent economic crisis, it is no wonder that this question is being asked and discussed. Interesting thoughts and discussion from both pessimists and optimists… I’d like to think I am one of the optimists.

Few links discussing this question:

Intense Competition among Scientists Has Gotten out of Hand [SciAm]

Categories: Articles, SciTech
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Published on: January 15, 2013

An interesting article from Scientific American about state of competition among scientists for grants, positions and in general to resources needed for scientific endeavors. Especially when most of the credit is assigned to groups who publish first (priority criteria)….

Interesting excerpt from the article:

“The importance of teamwork in science has never been greater. Studies of publications over the past 50 years show that teams increasingly dominate science and are contributing the highest-impact research. Collaborators, consortia and networks are essential for tackling interdisciplinary problems and massive undertakings, such as the Human Genome Project. The priority rule may be undermining this process.

The appropriateness of the priority rule for science has never been seriously questioned. Is it best suited to the modern scientific age, in which scientists operate in large teams that put a premium on cooperation? An alternative system that celebrates team effort toward solving problems may work better. Industry, which favors collective goals over individual achievement, and the NIH Intramural Research Program, which encourages risk taking and collaborative partnerships with industry and academia, provide contrasting but instructional examples. Perhaps scientists would gladly trade the benefits of the priority rule (individual reward) for a system that offers greater stability of support and collegiality, freer sharing of information, more fairness, and improved scientific rigor and cooperation. This would be a discovery of enormous benefit to the scientific enterprise and the society it serves.”


More of this here: [The Link]




Interesting predictions for next 150 years [BBC]

Categories: Articles
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Published on: January 10, 2013


More of this here: [The Link]

Great lightroom 4 primer for raw photo editing

Categories: Photography
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Published on: January 3, 2013

[curtesy Serge Ramelli]

[2012-13] New Year’s Eve

Categories: Photography
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Published on: January 2, 2013

Wish you all a very happy and prosperous 2013!


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