Don’t believe everything you read about genes and disease in prestigious journals like Science and Nature,

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Published on: November 10, 2009

A recent article, describes & highlights some of the pressures scientists & researchers face in a professional setting, which potentially leads to research & publication of falsehoods. Some of the reasons why many research results are outright wrong, are:

* Scientists behaving badly:
“… Outright scientific fraud is rare, but less deviant behavior may be much more common. For example, researchers may run multiple statistical tests on their data: they keep analysing the results in slightly different ways (known as “data mining”) until they get a P-value less than 0.05. This is tempting because it is much easier to get one’s research published if the findings are “statistically significant” (i.e. the P-value is less than 0.05) – a phenomenon known as “publication bias”.

* Pressure to perform:

The social environment in which research occurs places scientists under pressure to perform. These institutional pressures have the well-intentioned aim of encouraging high productivity and performance, measured by the amount and quality of publications, and success in attracting research funding from government and charitable agencies.

However, there is an inherent tension between the scientific process, where success is often unpredictable, and the means by which research productivity is frequently assessed. The criteria currently used to assess a scientist’s career and make decisions about future funding, salary and tenure may be an important factor encouraging departure from the ideals of scientific integrity.

But institutional pressures of this sort are unlikely to be solely responsible…

More about this article here: [The Link]
A related article from PLoS Medicine: [Why Most Published Research Findings are False]
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