Engineering vs Liberal Arts.. for entrepreneurship?

Categories: Articles
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Published on: March 27, 2011

From a recent article by Vivek Wadhwa about “what subjects they should major in order to become a tech entrepreneur,”..?

Here is his response and a very interesting article: [The Link]

Here is an excerpt:

..”So there is no black and white here. We need musicians, artists, and psychologists, as much as we need bio-medical engineers, computer programmers, and scientists.

My advice to my students—and to my own children—is to study what interests them the most; to excel in fields in which they have the most passion and ability; to change the world in their own way and on their own terms. Once they master their domain, they can find the path to entrepreneurship. They can then come up with creative ways of solving the problems that they have encountered, and apply their ideas to other fields where their knowledge adds value. Maybe they can team up with the hard-core engineers who develop the clunky, inelegant, over-engineered products that Bill is famous for; maybe work with Steve to create the next iPhone or iPad.”




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